Fluorite with Tourmaline (Group) and Albite (variety cleavelandite) - Stak Nala, Haramosh Mountains, Pakistan - 6.5 x 6.5 x 8 cm / main crystal: 6.1 cm.
Mineral: Fluorite with Tourmaline (Group) and Albite (variety cleavelandite)
Locality: Stak Nala, Haramosh Mountains, Skardu District, Gilgit-Baltistan (Northern Areas), Pakistan
Dimensions: 6.5 x 6.5 x 8 cm / main crystal: 6.1 cm.

Description: Mass: 250 g MIM number:2190 Transparent, mint green fluorite octahedron with truncated summits, crossed by a 6.9 cm tourmaline with green head and black body. The latter is topped with other similar but smaller tourmalines, as well as lamella of cleavelandite. Photographer: FMI / James Elliot