This next collecting sequence documents a truly challenging ...
Description: This next collecting sequence documents a truly challenging time. Scary in the extreme but in the end, everywhere happy smiles surrounded! This is a busy, hard to orient scene, but we’re above the last remaining section of The Bridge. In the photo, on the right about a third of the way up, the last edge of The Flats can be seen. Beneath me, I’ve cleared out everything on both sides of the pocket. I’m ready to begin extracting the specimens which rest on and above The Bridge. This is a difficult, nerve-screaming process in the extreme as everything is inter-connected. This material, which had fallen from above during some event in the geologic past, has accumulated on The Bridge, loose clods and chunks mainly, and all loosely cemented together by crystallizing crocoites. A pretty jumble, but an insane one to try to collect without damaging a million crystals! I’ll be working, hopeful of opening, the upward tilting slot just to the left of center…