Galena after Pyromorphite - Huelgoat, France - 3,5 x 2 cm
Mineral: Galena after Pyromorphite
Locality: Huelgoat, Châteaulin, Finistère, Brittany/Bretagne, France
Dimensions: 3,5 x 2 cm

Description: This 18th century sample had a good life : it belonged to the mineralogist Ferdinand Gonnard (1833-1923), who then donated it to the Ecole des Mines (Mines School of Paris). The latter separated from it and had to be transmitted between collectors. The sample landed in England to Ian Bruce, through her company Crystal Classics. It then passed through several French collectors of lead minerals. It was exhibited at the 2019 SMAM exhibition of lead minerals. The only downside: very fragile species because of the pyrite, but it seems to resist! It also has 9 labels (including 4, just for Crystal Classics!), notably the old labels of Gonnard and that of the SMAM exhibition (sorry for my English^^).