Marcasite, Pyrite, Arsenopyrite, Calcite & Quartz - Minas da Panasqueira, Portugal - 6 cm x 6 cm x 4 cm
Mineral: Marcasite, Pyrite, Arsenopyrite, Calcite & Quartz
Locality: Minas da Panasqueira, Aldeia de São Francisco de Assis, Covilhã, Castelo Branco, Cova da Beira, Centro, Portugal
Dimensions: 6 cm x 6 cm x 4 cm

Description: This was shot using the ‘decelerating’ camera technique. This enables me to achieve full depth of field from the rear to the front – nothing is or should be fuzzy. The specimen was shot as a HD video and the video, about 2 seconds long was processed in Helicon focus. This was a first-attempt and I am happy with the results which are getting better with each photo. FOV: 10 mm