Rutile paramorph sixling (drawing) Magnet Cove, Arkansas, ...
Description: Rutile paramorph sixling (drawing) Magnet Cove, Arkansas, USA (published 1891) Sketch of a rutile paramorph after brookite published in 1891 by Max Bauer, "Beitrage zur Mineralagie. VII. Reihe, 14, "Uber die Paramorphosen von Rutil nach Brookit von Magnet Cove, Arkansas." Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie,, Geologie, und Paleontologies, 1, Taf. 5, Fig. 1, as reproduced in 1922 by Victor Goldschmidt in "Atlas der Krystallformen" Vol VII, Taf. 156, Fig. 108. This sketch depicts one of the rutile paramorphs after brookite that the Kimzey brothers collected at the Richardson Farm and then sent to the German mineralogist Max Bauer in the early 1880s for his research on rutile paramorphism.