A general guide for using the Forum with some rules and tips
The information provided within this Forum about localities is only given to allow reference to them. Any visit to any of the localities requires you to obtain full permission and relevant information prior to your visit. FMF is strictly against any illicit activities related to collecting minerals.
What is the purpose of this forum? |
I created this Forum with the idea of creating a place to share questions and answers with other mineral enthusiasts and, most importantly, to try to provide a serious space where mineralogy questions can be discussed free of bothersome errors, free due the high standards of the administrators and moderators. We owe much of the success of this Forum to their fine texts; with them helping us, our Forum looks "clean" at least in terms of its scientific content.
FMF English Forum moderated by John S. White and Peter Megaw | ||
I have been serving as a moderator for the English version of FMF Forum now since 2007. This does not seem possible, but one cannot deny the facts. It has been a lot of fun for me and I hope that visitors to the Forum are enjoying it as well. We are now (Dec. 2009) adding a new face as an additional moderator - Peter Megaw. Actually Peter is not new to regular visitors to the Forum as he has been one of the most prolific contributors to many of the threads. He brings awesome credentials to this role, all of which I do not have space to detail here. He is a Consulting Geologist and co-founder of IMDEX/Cascabel and MAG Silver. He got his B.A. and M.A. in geology at the University of Texas and a Ph.D. in economic geology from the University of Arizona. He has explored Mexico for 30 years and has made important ore discoveries at Juanicipio-Fresnillo, Zacatecas; Platosa, Durango; and Cinco de Mayo, Chihuahua. Peter has been a dedicated mineral collector since 1977. Living in Tucson, Arizona, he has served as exhibits chairman for the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show™ every year since 1984. His minerals have won many trophies for him in various competitive displays. He was recently named a consulting editor for Rocks & Minerals Magazine. There is much more that can be written about Peter but space here is somewhat limited. John S. White www.jwkustos.com |
Mineral specimen related questions | Topics | Posts | Last Post | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Minerals and Mineralogy In this forum you can suggest and discuss things related to the technical and scientific aspects of minerals and mineralogy. Moderators John S. White, Peter Megaw, chris, alfredo, Antonio Alcaide, cascaillou
813 | 7531 | Oct 01, 2024 05:15 Johan Kjellman |
Featured Columns of FMF This Forum functions a little like a library, each featured topic will be numbered and will maintain the order even if new posts arrive. The FMF users cannot create new threads here but, yes, they can publish posts in the already created threads. Only the Forum administrators can create new threads in this section. To know more about how this works, please use this link Moderators Jordi Fabre, Tony L. Potucek, Tobi, Duncan Miller, Peter Farquhar
53 | 1644 | Sep 15, 2024 12:49 FMF Forum |
National Library of Spain / Biblioteca Nacional de España (BNE) and FMF This forum cointain the thread Stay at home - Coronavirus / Covid-19 chosen by the National Library of Spain / Biblioteca Nacional de España (BNE) and which is now in the BNE’s collection of Archives of the Spanish Web as a source of information on a specific event or a particular period of time. To know more about this Forum, please use this link
2 | 366 | Sep 12, 2021 06:49 Dany Mabillard |
News about Shows Moderators Jordi Fabre, chris, Gail, Antonio Alcaide
54 | 3271 | Jul 18, 2024 16:39 Antonio P. López |
Mineral Shows Moderators Jordi Fabre, chris, Gail, Antonio Alcaide
245 | 2077 | Jun 18, 2024 21:07 Greg Lilly |
Mineral Shows by Gail Spann To know more about this Forum, please use this link Moderators chris, Gail
42 | 5336 | Feb 25, 2024 13:43 Tobi |
FOR BEGINNERS: What is it? Where is it from? Novice Collectors: If you've got a cool rock and want to know about it this is the place for you! To know more about how this section works, please use: Asking: "What is this? / Where is it from?" Moderators Jordi Fabre, chris
213 | 1533 | Oct 04, 2024 07:08 James Catmur |
What is it? - Where is it from? In this forum you can add messages about the identification of minerals/localities. You can also include photos, so that others can help you identify your specimens or the locality that it comes from. To know more about it, please use: Asking: "What is this? / Where is it from?" Moderators chris, Pete Modreski, Antonio Alcaide
189 | 1771 | Jul 30, 2024 08:23 Riccardo Modanesi |
Micros & Macros - Images of Minerals In this Forum you can add photos of minerals micromounts or macro minerals, give opinions on their identification, and share information on microscopes and taking photos. Moderators chris, Antonio Alcaide
128 | 1052 | Aug 24, 2024 17:41 Pete Richards |
Favourite Minerals In this forum you can add your favourite localities and minerals. When a mineral comes from many hundreds, or thousands, of places it's worth comparing favourites to identify the most desired ones.This section is special because all the photos published here also appear in "FMF Gallery". To find out more please use this link Moderators Tobi, Mathias
22 | 740 | Dec 19, 2022 08:23 Tobi |
Mines and Mineral Localities In this forum you're able to place your favorite mines and famous or unknown mineral localities. This section is special because all the photos published here also appear in "FMF Gallery". To find out more please use this link Moderators chris, Pete Modreski, Antonio Alcaide
266 | 2213 | Aug 06, 2024 01:13 Tobi |
Improving the FMF Data Base of localities FMF has a database of mineral localities that is used when adding photos of specimens. This has been created so that we can check the localities are consistent, and debate and discuss them. Please use this to add suggestions for new localities not created yet or debate the existing.
13 | 94 | Nov 21, 2022 04:14 Tobi |
Rockhounding trips In this forum you are able to post reports of trips to your favorite mines and famous or unknown mineral localities, as well as request from other FMFers information you need to plan your collecting / rockhounding trips.
79 | 576 | Mar 22, 2023 17:58 John Betts |
Exceptional finds Moderators Jordi Fabre, chris, Antonio Alcaide, John Cornish
6 | 139 | Aug 20, 2022 03:29 James Catmur |
A mineralogical trip through the states of USA This section of the forum is special in that it is dedicated to images of minerals from the different states of the USA. So, although you can add as many pictures as you like in each of the existing threads, you can't create any new threads within it. To see the posts within this Forum please click on the name of the section 'A mineralogical trip through the states of USA', or on "...see all topics", or on this link To know more about the reasons for this particular Forum, please use this link Moderators Jordi Fabre, chris |
52 | 1196 | Jun 08, 2023 17:42 rweaver |
A mineralogical trip through the regions of the UK This section of the forum is special in that it is dedicated to images of minerals from the different regions of the UK. So, although you can add as many pictures as you like in each of the existing threads, you can't create any new threads within it. To see the posts within this Forum please click on the name of the section 'A mineralogical trip through the regions of the UK' or on this link To know more about the reasons for this particular Forum, please use this link Moderators Jordi Fabre, James Catmur, chris |
15 | 479 | Mar 20, 2024 11:23 Forrestblyth |
A mineralogical trip through Germany This section of the forum is special in that it is dedicated to images of minerals from the different lands of Germany. So, although you can add as many pictures as you like in each of the existing threads, you can't create any new threads within it. To see the posts within this Forum please click on the name of the section 'A Mineralogical trip through Germany' or on this link To know more about the reasons for this particular Forum, please use this link Moderator Tobi |
12 | 420 | Sep 30, 2024 06:58 Tobi |
A mineralogical trip through Italy by Sante Celiberti This section of the forum is special in that it is dedicated exclusively to the images of the Italian minerals from the extensive collection of Sante Celiberti. So, you can't create any new threads within it neither publish posts there. To see the posts within this Forum please click on the name of the section 'A mineralogical trip through Italy by Sante Celiberti' or on this link Moderator Sante Celiberti |
1 | 342 | Apr 16, 2022 15:37 Sante Celiberti |
Conserving, Preparing and Cleaning Minerals This Forum brings together questions and results on the delicate subject of preparation, conservation and cleaning of the minerals. Moderators Jordi Fabre, chris, Antonio Alcaide, cascaillou
164 | 1469 | Mar 07, 2024 02:52 carlo11 |
Collection photos and Collector's page This forum’s aim is to allow all collectors to publish pictures of the minerals in their collection and use it as a kind of personal home page. To know more about it, please use this link . This section is special because all the photos published here also appear in "FMF Gallery". To find out more please use this link Moderators Carles Millan, chris, Antonio Alcaide
153 | 21079 | Oct 06, 2024 09:21 Michael Shaw |
Women's Private Collections In this forum female collectors can publish their favorite specimens, with photos of them or just descriptions. This section is special because all the photos published here also appear in "FMF Gallery". To find out more please use this link. Moderators chris, Gail, Antonio Alcaide
10 | 846 | Aug 08, 2023 12:15 silvia |
Mineralogical Literature New books, journals, etc that merit your attention. Moderators John S. White, Carles Millan, chris, Antonio Alcaide
109 | 900 | Jun 14, 2024 21:37 crocoite |
Mineral Art and Artists This forum is dedicated to the discussion and display of Mineral Art, Mineral Artists, techniques, materials, and exhibits. All media are covered, although Mineral Photography is best discussed in its own forum. Moderators chris, Gail, crocoite
44 | 843 | May 07, 2023 09:17 Roger Warin |
The histories behind mineral specimens Many specimens have very interesting histories that should be saved. Moderators Jordi Fabre, chris, Antonio Alcaide
50 | 500 | Apr 08, 2022 13:07 mineralenzo |
FMF Guide of Rocks This Forum aims to collect photographs of rocks from all around the world and as much information as possible about the rocks: age, origin, description, composition... Rocks are closely related to minerals, as rocks are composed of minerals and minerals are found growing on their surfaces and in their cavities. We intend to create a collective work where everybody can contribute and where expert opinions of geologists and petrologists are widely shared. Moderators chris, prcantos
7 | 82 | Sep 21, 2018 07:52 Tobi |
Incorrect classification and fakes In this Forum you can provide information and discuss false identifications, inadequate classifications and fakes. Moderators Jordi Fabre, chris, Antonio Alcaide, cascaillou
65 | 742 | Jun 19, 2024 10:14 Peter Megaw |
Reporting thefts and disappearances On this forum you can add report on the theft of specimens; tell people about other losses and/or advise people of things they should be wary of; or report any other incidents.. including ones during collecting trips or other mineral related activities.
17 | 142 | Nov 30, 2022 02:49 James Catmur |
Off-Topic and Introductions In this forum you can discuss topics not covered by any other of our forums and you can also introduce yourself as a new Forum member. Moderators chris, Xavi Tutusaus, Antonio Alcaide
515 | 4370 | Aug 26, 2024 09:38 John S. White |
The Ten Thousand Club This Section displays, in one location, all those subjects that, while they are no longer on the main page, have been read more than 10,000 times and are from the sections: "Minerals and Mineralogy" "What is it? - Where is it from?" "Micros & Macros" and "Mines and Mineral Localities". The other Sections of FMF will not move their topics to here because we prefer to keep their topics grouped. Moderators chris, Antonio Alcaide
147 | 970 | Jul 29, 2024 09:44 Tobi |
Mineral Exchange Area In this forum you will be able to trade minerals and publish their pictures. To know how to do it, please use this link. Moderators Jordi Fabre, chris, Antonio Alcaide
1 | 1 | Aug 20, 2008 03:17 Jordi Fabre |
Mineralogical Magazines | Topics | Posts | Last Post | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
What is it about them that makes it a pleasure to receive them, which old ones you miss, the new issues, the new books they publish... |
The Mineralogical Record The Mineralogical Record, founded in 1970, is an American mineral magazine of international interest, providing beautifully illustrated articles on minerals and mineral localities worldwide. Additional features include articles on mineral shows, mineral museums, mineralogical and mining collectibles (e.g. antique instruments), profiles of prominent collectors and their collections, book reviews, and articles on the history of mineral collecting and the history of mineralogy. Special-theme supplements to the regular issues are also published.
11 | 96 | Dec 17, 2020 08:15 ALshawani |
Rocks & Minerals Rocks & Minerals has published feature articles on mineralogy, geology, and paleontology since 1926. Regular departments explore such topics as minerals for the collector; microminerals; recent books, videos, and DVDs; coming events; museum news; and personalities in the field. Detailed lists of collecting opportunities in specific localities are published periodically, as are special theme issues.
9 | 55 | May 26, 2018 01:35 Duncan Miller |
MINERALIEN-Welt MINERALIEN-Welt is a German mineral magazine with fine articles about the world of minerals. In this forum we hope to get in touch with our readers. We are open to new ideas for improvement and will also keep you updated about new publications from Bode Verlag. Moderator MINERALIEN-Welt
5 | 11 | Apr 08, 2018 12:19 Jesse Fisher |
Le Règne Minéral Le Règne Minéral is the French mineralogical magazine since 1995. It has published many articles about classic French mineralogy and new discoveries. The readers can also discover French mineral collectors and personalities, reports of the world’s greatest mineral shows, book reviews, press reviews and many other articles about international mineralogy. Join us!! Moderator Julien
19 | 82 | Sep 03, 2024 08:20 Jordi Fabre |
Mineral Up Editions Moderator Joaquim Callen
3 | 14 | Mar 31, 2024 13:14 Jordi Fabre |
Mineralogical Almanac
1 | 2 | Jan 23, 2016 11:38 Roger Warin |
Blue Cap Productions Moderator BlueCapProductions
17 | 316 | Jun 24, 2024 11:45 BlueCapProductions |
Museums with Mineral Exhibits Worldwide | Topics | Posts | Last Post | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Worlwide Museums & Visits to Museums and private collections Use this forum to tell us about your experiences of visiting museums, exhibits or private collections. Moderators Jordi Fabre, chris, Gail, Alan.Hart, Antonio Alcaide
53 | 316 | Jun 20, 2024 10:33 James Catmur |
The Smithsonian Institution, Museum of Natural History To see the posts within this Forum please click on the name of the section "The Smithsonian Institution, Museum of Natural History" Moderator chris |
7 | 280 | Apr 01, 2017 20:25 Don Lum |
The A.E. Seaman Mineral Museum To see the posts within this Forum please click on the name of the section "The A.E. Seaman Mineral Museum" Moderator chris |
2 | 308 | May 11, 2016 12:16 John Jaszczak |
Harvard Museum of Natural History To see the posts within this Forum please click on the name of the section "Harvard Museum of Natural History" Moderator chris |
3 | 61 | Jul 18, 2015 12:37 Jean Sendero |
University Arizona Tucson Mineral Museum To see the posts within this Forum please click on the name of the section "University Arizona Tucson Mineral Museum" Moderator chris |
5 | 28 | Feb 21, 2023 11:11 Jesse Fisher |
Colorado School of Mines Geology Museum To see the posts within this Forum please click on the name of the section "Colorado School of Mines Geology Museum" Moderator chris |
3 | 21 | Oct 10, 2022 07:57 James Catmur |
Perot Museum of Nature and Science, Dallas, Texas To see the posts within this Forum please click on the name of the section "Perot Museum of Nature and Science, Dallas, Texas" Moderators chris, Gail |
4 | 48 | Aug 24, 2014 12:35 Peter Van Hout |
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County To see the posts within this Forum please click on the name of the section "Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County |
3 | 9 | Aug 02, 2019 05:50 Tobi |
Rice Northwest Museum of Rocks and Minerals To see the posts within this Forum please click on the name of the section "Rice Northwest Museum of Rocks and Minerals" Moderator chris |
2 | 31 | Jul 22, 2015 17:25 BlueCapProductions |
University of Delaware Museum of Minerals To see the posts within this Forum please click on the name of the section "University of Delaware Museum of Minerals" Moderator chris |
3 | 18 | Dec 03, 2012 17:33 jakslagle |
Lyman Museum in Hilo, Hawaii To see the posts within this Forum please click on the name of the section "Lyman Museum in Hilo, Hawaii" Moderator chris |
1 | 12 | Jan 10, 2011 18:45 Doug |
Other Museums in USA To see the posts within this Forum please click on the name of the section "Other Museums in USA" Moderator chris |
9 | 108 | Mar 13, 2023 15:34 k-m.minerals |
The Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) Ontario, Canada To see the posts within this Forum please click on the name of the section "Royal Ontario Museum" Moderator chris |
2 | 30 | Jul 03, 2012 20:03 Tracy |
Natural History Museum London To see the posts within this Forum please click on the name of the section "Natural History Museum London" Moderator chris |
3 | 211 | Feb 16, 2023 07:41 James Catmur |
Scottish Museums To see the posts within this Forum please click on the name of the section "Scottish Museums" Moderator chris |
3 | 23 | Jul 24, 2023 10:31 James Catmur |
Freiberg Museums To see the posts within this Forum please click on the name of the section "Freiberg Museums" |
5 | 104 | Jul 08, 2024 06:50 Tobi |
Mineralogical Museum of Marburg To see the posts within this Forum please click on the name of the section "Mineralogical Museum of Marburg" Moderators chris, Tobi |
15 | 297 | Apr 10, 2019 05:32 Tobi |
École des Mines de Paris (Paris School of Mines) To see the posts within this Forum please click on the name of the section "École des Mines de Paris (Paris School of Mines)" |
4 | 44 | Oct 26, 2019 05:25 Carles Millan |
Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris To see the posts within this Forum please click on the name of the section "Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris" |
1 | 16 | Aug 06, 2015 14:22 BlueCapProductions |
Other French Museums To see the posts within this Forum please click on the name of the section "French Museums" |
5 | 13 | Dec 11, 2014 14:49 Jordi Fabre |
Museum Fur Naturkunde Berlin To see the posts within this Forum please click on the name of the section "Museum Fur Naturkunde Berlin" Moderator chris |
1 | 2 | Mar 12, 2010 09:53 Andreas Gerstenberg |
Austrian Museums To see the posts within this Forum please click on the name of the section "Austrian Museums" |
2 | 13 | Feb 05, 2023 14:51 lluis |
The Natural History Museum of Milan, Italy To see the posts within this Forum please click on the name of the section "The Natural History Museum of Milan, Italy" Moderator chris |
1 | 22 | Apr 14, 2013 17:55 Nico78 |
Natural History Museum of Denmark - Geological Museum, Copenhagen To see the posts within this Forum please click on the name of the section "Natural History Museum of Denmark - Geological Museum, Copenhagen" |
2 | 25 | Sep 08, 2017 03:23 James Catmur |
MIM Museum (Beirut, Lebanon) To see the posts within this Forum please click on the name of the section "MIM Museum (Beirut, Lebanon)" Moderator MIM Museum |
3 | 427 | Oct 03, 2024 02:09 MIM Museum |
The Folch Collection To see the posts within this Forum please click on the name of the section "The Folch Collection" Moderator chris |
5 | 69 | Nov 29, 2023 16:29 Jordi Fabre |
IGME (Instituto Geológico y Minero de España) To see the posts within this Forum please click on the name of the section "IGME (Instituto Geológico y Minero de España)"
1 | 5 | Sep 15, 2021 17:02 Firmo Espinar |
Messages related to the Forum | Topics | Posts | Last Post | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Comments & Suggestions You can use this to add your comments and suggestions on, as well as propose improvements to the Forum. Moderators chris, Antonio Alcaide
77 | 667 | Aug 10, 2024 01:49 Tobi |
Forum questions Here you'll be able to ask any question related to our forum and how it works. Moderators Joan Fabre, Carles Millan, chris, Antonio Alcaide
67 | 406 | Dec 20, 2022 08:43 Jordi Fabre |
In Memoriam | Topics | Posts | Last Post | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
In Memoriam This section gathers all of the memorial tributes to those who were part of the mineral world and sadly are no longer with us. Although we greatly mourn their passing, we also rejoice in celebrating their accomplishments and having had the chance to spend time with them.
34 | 243 | Apr 23, 2024 17:44 Peter Megaw |
Honoring past collectors
1 | 15 | Jan 14, 2015 11:03 Jordi Fabre |
All times are GMT - 5 Hours |
Forum start date: Aug 07, 2006 10:42 |
In total there are 290 users online at the moment Most users ever online at the same time was 1296 on Jan 23, 2024 00:49 |
This data is based on users active over the past five minutes |
Outstanding Topics | ||
Links within the message forum | Author |
The FMF Forum has an anti-spam system that means that you cannot add links to messages. To give you an idea, each day we get about 20 attempts to post ‘rubbish publicity’ on themes that have nothing to do with minerals. So this system keeps the forum... |
Joan Fabre |
Tucson, questionable prices? | Author |
Sadly I could not make Tucson this year. I have read your reports (thank you very much) and also some of the other ones on the web and it seems to me that the Tucson world is made up of two very different groups: - those selling and buying very expensive material at questionable prices ... |
James Catmur |
How does "Collection Photos" work? | Author |
We have created a section on the forum: "Collection photos and Collector's page" whose aim is to allow all collectors who wish to publish pictures of specimens in their collection. The idea is for each collector/collection to have a single ... |
Jordi Fabre |
Very little mineralogy in mineral collecting today | Author |
One thing that troubles me greatly about the mineral hobby today is that very few collectors appear to have much, if any, intellectual curiosity about minerals. The focus for most collectors appears to be only beauty and perfection, rather than rari... |
John S. White |
New posts | No new posts | Forum is locked |