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26 Jul-02:55:27 Re: german minerals (James Catmur)
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25 Jul-13:11:28 Re: german minerals (Vandendriesschen)
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24 Jul-05:56:08 Re: vorobyevite, a 7th variety of beryl (Riccardo Modanesi)
24 Jul-02:04:31 The mizunaka collection - quartz (Am Mizunaka)
23 Jul-23:19:35 Re: collection of volkmar stingl (Volkmar Stingl)
23 Jul-17:33:27 Re: vorobyevite, a 7th variety of beryl (Bob Carnein)
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23 Jul-16:45:06 Vorobyevite, a 7th variety of beryl (Roger Warin)
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21 Jul-14:29:10 Re: don lum collection (Don Lum)
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  Topic: "Stain(?)" on Milpillas Azurite specimen

Replies: 2
Views: 7052

PostForum: Minerals and Mineralogy   Posted: Jul 05, 2023 14:37   Subject: Re: "Stain(?)" on Milpillas Azurite specimen
The stain appears to be green.

If so, this may be a pseudomorph to azurite.

Most of these pseudos start at the center of the area of attachment to the matrix.

The replacing malachite is almo ...
  Topic: Azurite to Malachite Chemistry

Replies: 9
Views: 9710

PostForum: Minerals and Mineralogy   Posted: May 05, 2023 16:04   Subject: Re: Azurite to Malachite Chemistry
Thanks for all the insight.

I trying to understand how the pseudomorph grows with the azurite crystal.

Perhaps the first step is dissolution of the azurite near the pseudorph with acid. Then th ...
  Topic: Azurite to Malachite Chemistry

Replies: 9
Views: 9710

PostForum: Minerals and Mineralogy   Posted: May 03, 2023 09:28   Subject: Azurite to Malachite Chemistry
The attached picture shows botryoidal malachite nucleated on the side of a 7cm azurite crystal from the Tsumeb mine, Otavi Highlands, Namibia (Ray Straw specimen, Jeff Scovil photograph).
In a recent ...
  Topic: Azurite to Malachite pseudomorphs

Replies: 0
Views: 12056

PostForum: Minerals and Mineralogy   Posted: Feb 26, 2023 17:50   Subject: Azurite to Malachite pseudomorphs
Chemical alteration of dark blue azurite crystals to bright green Malachite that exhibits the preservation of the original azurite surfaces—thus a pseudomorph.

In a recent paper (Rocks and Mineral ...
  Topic: Azurite cleavage

Replies: 9
Views: 7013

PostForum: Off-Topic and Introductions   Posted: Feb 26, 2023 17:22   Subject: Re: Azurite cleavage
Thanks everyon for your responses. They were very helpful.

Ray Straw
  Topic: Azurite cleavage

Replies: 9
Views: 7013

PostForum: Off-Topic and Introductions   Posted: Jan 09, 2023 19:18   Subject: Azurite cleavage
I am interested in examples of cleavage in azurite crystals.

Does anyone have any pictures of these?
  Topic: Oxidation of Copper, Lead, and Zinc sulfides and transport below the surface

Replies: 4
Views: 6363

PostForum: Minerals and Mineralogy   Posted: Jan 04, 2023 00:44   Subject: Re: Oxidation of Copper, Lead, and Zinc sulfides and transport below the surface
Thank you for the quick reply.
I’ll start checking out the material and advise how it goes.

  Topic: Oxidation of Copper, Lead, and Zinc sulfides and transport below the surface

Replies: 4
Views: 6363

PostForum: Minerals and Mineralogy   Posted: Jan 03, 2023 20:57   Subject: Oxidation of Copper, Lead, and Zinc sulfides and transport below the surface
I understand that these sulfides that are near the surface can be oxidized and then the products transported below the surface to form enriched deposits.
I am looking for chemical equations that desc ...
  Topic: Pseudomorph chemistry - (40)

Replies: 28
Views: 36986

PostForum: Featured Columns of FMF   Posted: Sep 10, 2022 15:13   Subject: Re: Pseudomorph chemistry - (40)
This is very interesting.

Please advise the locality.

  Topic: Pseudomorph chemistry - (40)

Replies: 28
Views: 36986

PostForum: Featured Columns of FMF   Posted: Aug 17, 2022 11:56   Subject: Re: Pseudomorph chemistry - (40)
Hi all

You may find some answers and a general overview about the chemical aspects of mineral replacement reactions in the paper by A. Putnis.
Mineralogical Magazine, October 2002, Vol. 66(5), pp. ...
  Topic: Pseudomorph chemistry - (40)

Replies: 28
Views: 36986

PostForum: Featured Columns of FMF   Posted: Aug 13, 2022 12:21   Subject: Pseudomorph chemistry - (40)
I have a 11cm high broken azurite which shows internal growth of botryoidal malachite.

The rough chemistry requires 2 portions of solid azurite and one portion of liquid water to yield three portio ...
  Topic: Pictures wanted

Replies: 3
Views: 14108

PostForum: Micros & Macros - Images of Minerals   Posted: Jan 31, 2022 17:58   Subject: Pictures wanted
I recently purchased an azurite specimen partially replaced by malachite. The large crystal has malachite on the termination and one of the small crystals is broken showing botyroidal malachite on th ...
  Topic: Canon SLR with stacking

Replies: 14
Views: 8531

PostForum: Off-Topic and Introductions   Posted: Dec 05, 2021 13:37   Subject: Re: Cannon SLR with stacking
Two years ago I saw a demonstration of in camera focus stacking at the Rochester Mineral Symposium.

I bought the reasonable camera Olympus TG-4 and am pleased with the results.

I plan to use the ...
  Topic: Malachite twinning

Replies: 5
Views: 14473

PostForum: Minerals and Mineralogy   Posted: Mar 08, 2020 06:50   Subject: Re: Malachite twinning
Thank you.

I bought and downloaded the paper.

  Topic: Azurite to Malachite pseudomorph research

Replies: 14
Views: 28596

PostForum: Forum questions   Posted: Mar 06, 2020 10:23   Subject: Re: Azurite to Malachite pseudomorph research
This specimen from Roger Warin is just what I need for my azurite to malachite pseudomorph research (Malachite-psm-aurite_R.jpg):
Azurite crystal with chipped termination and malachite pseudomo ...
  Topic: Malachite twinning

Replies: 5
Views: 14473

PostForum: Minerals and Mineralogy   Posted: Mar 04, 2020 12:29   Subject: Malachite twinning
Someone claimed that all malachite is twinned.

Does anyone know of any discussion or papers to this effect?


  Topic: Azurite to Malachite pseudomorph research

Replies: 14
Views: 28596

PostForum: Forum questions   Posted: Feb 27, 2020 10:09   Subject: Re: Azurite to Malachite pseudomorph research

This Tsumeb pseudomorph appears to be about 3cm maximum. Is that correct?

Is it still in your collection?

Ray Straw
  Topic: Azurite to Malachite pseudomorph research

Replies: 14
Views: 28596

PostForum: Forum questions   Posted: Feb 27, 2020 10:05   Subject: Re: Azurite to Malachite pseudomorph research
Thanks everyone for your interpretations of azurite to malachite pseudomorphs.

All the information will be distilled and included in my paper.

Ray Straw
  Topic: Azurite to Malachite pseudomorph research

Replies: 14
Views: 28596

PostForum: Forum questions   Posted: Feb 25, 2020 11:10   Subject: Re: Azurite to Malachite pseudomorph research

The partial pseudomorph would be ideal for my purposes which will involve cutting sections of the crystal.

Please advise specimen dimensions.

Thank you,


rsplinters(@)gmail do ...
  Topic: Azurite to Malachite pseudomorph research

Replies: 14
Views: 28596

PostForum: Forum questions   Posted: Feb 24, 2020 10:00   Subject: Azurite to Malachite pseudomorph research
I am still working on my paper which attempts to explain how malachite replaces azurite to form a pseudomorph where the azurite shape and faces are present but only malachite remains.

1. What I ne ...
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