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Philippe Durand
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Jordi Fabre
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Posted: Mar 15, 2020 05:28 Post subject: Stay at home - Coronavirus / Covid-19 |
Philippe Durand wrote: |
Keep safe guys, stay at home if you can.
especialy the oldest . Admire your rocks;
The shows will be canceled in your area now or soon. The net will be helpfull.
I take advantage of the Durand post to start what wants to be a system to communicate and know how each one is doing.
Are you all OK?
I am aware that this thread is going to be different from the others in this Forum and I understand that due to the circumstances it is time to take advantage of the good services of Internet to make the confinement more bearable, confinement which I fear will be in the short-medium term inevitable in many countries of the world.
Another thread has already started in the FMF Spanish side that I recommend for its scientific aspect: Covid-19 / Coronavirus - Our vision and which gave rise to another collateral thread with the idea of for better spend time in the company of virtual friends.
I copy below the translation of the English language of what I wrote in my first post from that thread in the hope that it will also develop something similar here.
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Jordi Fabre
Overall coordinator of the Forum

Joined: 07 Aug 2006
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Location: Barcelona

Posted: Mar 15, 2020 05:41 Post subject: Re: Stay at home - Coronavirus / Covid-19 |
Jordi Fabre wrote: | I copy below the translation of the English language of what I wrote in my first post from that thread in the hope that it will also develop something similar here. |
This is going to be long. Apart from the great scientific explanations that have been poured into Covid-19 / Coronavirus - Our vision I have thought to open this thread that perhaps can serve to better spend these two weeks (for the moment) in which we will be locked in our homes.
I recently read a book by the Spanish author Juan José Millás that I really liked 'La vida a ratos', a novel in the form of a diary that addresses uncertainty and everyday life and has inspired me to tackle the long days that we have ahead starting, and asking others to join, a kind of daily diary that reflects my day to day and my relationship with others in these special circumstances so overwhelming. I'm starting, and whoever wants to add to their own diary, please join me!
First day Saturday March 14 2020 in Barcelona
I wake up late, there is very little noise on the street, it seems like an August Holidays day.
Instead of being overwhelmed like every day, I start more relaxed since it seems as if there is much more time in front of me than usual.
The emergency measures of the "State of National Alarm" in Spain seem to be slow to be known, I accelerate myself and I begin to think about what things I will not be able to do during the next days due to the possible restrictions and I try to leave them done today. I call the hairdresser, visit concert and as I hang up I realize that I was in Madrid a week ago and that I live in Barcelona and therefore I can be an asymptomatic carrier. I call the hairdresser again and cancel the visit. When this situation has ended I will look like Samson! (and not by its strength)
I am missing a pot for a cactus that needs to be changed, I call, they are open and I ask what time they will close to go then when there are no more people. They tell me that they are not going to close because people are constantly entering. Everyone plans to use their time with their plants. I drive there, there is practically no traffic, dead city. I arrive, it is an outdoor space, I take the pot from a pallet and I leave exactly 13 Euros on the table, I have not related to anyone less than two meters away, objective accomplished. When I come back home I can park in the same place I left, nobody has moved their cars, everything stopped.
I wait for the press conference at 8 PM explaining what will be the extraordinary measures in Spain and for the moment "nope"
It is 9 PM o'clock and we already know what the restrictions are. I am not plunged into misery because I am very lucky to be able to go to work without relating to more than 3-4 people and always the same ones. Carme does sink into misery because every day she used to take a long walk with friends or alone and now she won't be able to do it.
I write this note while listening to TV. No one seems to have anything clear and in everything a slight air of despair and anguish seems to float. No one understands why everyone accumulates so much toilet paper.
Before going to bed I think about what I will do tomorrow, and the many things I can do taking care of the two FMFs and the minerals of my collection. Minerals, always the minerals...
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I was missing a pot to transplant this cactus |
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Jordi Fabre
Overall coordinator of the Forum

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Posted: Mar 15, 2020 05:47 Post subject: Stay at home - Coronavirus / Covid-19 - Some "rules" |
Let me just add some "rules" for this new style of post in these so special circumstances translating the text that the adminstrators of the Spanish side we published in the twin thread Covid-19 / Coronavirus - Nuestra visión :
Although this is a mineral forum, the administrators have believed that we cannot be left out of a problem that affects us and worries us all.
At this moment, it has just been announced that in Spain the State of Alarm will be decreed for 15 days, with all the restrictions and impediments that this will entail in our daily life. We want this post to be a meeting point and virtual social life now that we will have restricted real social life. Also it aims to be a rigorous information point, without unnecessary alarmism and where we can all express our opinion, as always with education and respect. If at any time the thread becomes aggressive, trivialized with esoteric discussions, or takes unwanted paths, for example with political discussions, the administrators reserve the right to intervene immediately.
Postscript: we post the message in this section 'Comments & Suggestions' as it is out of the ordinary in the forum. In some way this is going to be a small sociological experiment to see how these social issues evolve in FMF outside the topics that usually concerns us.
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Fiebre Verde

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Posted: Mar 15, 2020 05:47 Post subject: Re: Stay at home - coronavirus / Covid-19 |
Jordi Fabre wrote: |
I take advantage of the Durand post to start what wants to be a system to communicate and know how each one is doing.
Are you all OK?
Bright election day morning here in the Paris area.
Just casted my vote in the polling station across the street.
Certainly not a 'normal' election day as voters were standing in line in a new fashion - the 1 meter security distance between voters was well respected.
It is expected that everyone acts responsibly which sets the bar pretty high, but we have no other option right now.
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Dany Mabillard

Joined: 01 Jul 2019
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Posted: Mar 15, 2020 06:07 Post subject: Re: Stay at home - Coronavirus / Covid-19 |
Just a few words. I don't know the exact restrictions in each country but in Switzerland the government decisions are confused especially with the three political levels (federal state, cantons and municipalities). Hope that every European countries will take quickly the same restrictions because it's the same virus everywhere.
Concerning my personal situation, I was lucky to change my hip two weeks ago because this week they have postponed these types of operations. So at home for 4 more weeks and out one hour a day to walk but lucky to live in a district where you can walk with only a few persons in the street.
Hope everyone is safe and healthy.
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Susan Robinson
Joined: 05 Aug 2010
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Posted: Mar 15, 2020 07:24 Post subject: Re: Stay at home - Coronavirus / Covid-19 |
So far, there is no incidence, locally, of anyone with the COVID-19 virus in our area. We live in northern New York State, on the edge of the St. Lawrence river. Many cars with Ontario license plates are still coming from Canada to shop at our supermarkets and Wal Mart.
Upon entering a medical clinic or hospital, we are now stopped and asked if we have been out of the county (not country) in the last month or if we have been in close contact with anyone from out of this area. Currently, the local stores have no toilet paper, disinfectants, or rubbing alcohol on their shelves, and some of the fresh fruits and vegetables are unavailable.
The Rochester Mineral Sympodium was cancelled this year. The local colleges and universities have extended the spring break vacation time for the students, and the remaining classes will be done online. Sports games and large meetings are also cancelled.
Let's hope we all take precautions and stay healthy.
Susan Robinson
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Pete Richards
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Posted: Mar 15, 2020 07:37 Post subject: Re: Stay at home - Coronavirus / Covid-19 |
I returned on Tuesday from a week--long trip to Alabama to visit my brother and his family. No reports at that time of CV-19 there or in Ohio where I live. The number of people in the airports definitely seemed smaller than usual.
Thursday we were to fly to Utah to visit my wife's brother and family. Wednesday, there were reports of several cases in Cleveland, Ohio, less than 50 miles (80 km) from here, and of a cluster of cases in Salt Lake City, Utah. Wednesday evening we cancelled our trip. Thursday a state of emergency was declared in Salt Lake City.
How quickly things change!
Now the following are cancelled;:
My church service
The Rochester Mineral Symposium
My Micromineral Group meeting
Oberlin College classes (to be completed at home by remote coursework)
Our Friday Music Club meeting
My recorder group's practice, probably
No doubt that's just the beginning.
The streets are nearly empty. Fortunately, the store shelves are not.
I anticipate a much more solitary life than usual for the next six months. My garden is getting more attention than usual. And maybe I'll finally find the time to write one or two papers that have waited for much too long. Time to bring together the data on my computer and the thoughts in my brain!
Be smart and stay well!
_________________ Collecting and studying crystals with interesting habits, twinning, and epitaxy |
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Ricky hartzog
Joined: 13 Mar 2020
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Posted: Mar 15, 2020 08:34 Post subject: Re: Stay at home - Coronavirus / Covid-19 |
Every year a new flu virus or bug causes deaths in the old and young it's sad it's life sorry for anyone that is sick hope yall get to feeling better im going morel hunting today so I'll be in the woods and hope no one gets sick and stay healthy and keep On Rockhounding
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Bob Harman
Joined: 06 Nov 2015
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Posted: Mar 15, 2020 09:05 Post subject: Re: Stay at home - Coronavirus / Covid-19 |
Like several others on this forum, I am a doctor. A retired MD pathologist, so I follow this new and novel Coronavirus with more than passing interest.
So why is this new pandemic so much more in the news than the much more common seasonal flu? Simply because we don't know much about the virus and what might happen next. A la the 1918 Spanish Flu which killed more people in 18 months than all the World Wars of the 20th century combined.....
What is of interest to me and this forum might be the significant disruption of just about everything, including the mineral collecting community.
Collectors or dealers who might get seriously ill or worse.
Shows that are cancelled or postponed, disrupting many folk's livelihoods.
Postponed and cancelled seminars and other meetings.
Closed universities slowing students pursuing their research and degrees.
The list goes on and on.
It is of interest that, up to now, the UK seems to be taking a "cavalier" attitude compared to the rest of Europe and the world in it's response to the disease outbreak. Lots of mixed feelings there.
With South Korea one of the hot spots, absolutely no news from North Korea. Other than a hospital for the political and military elite, not much of an advanced healthcare system. I have reason to believe they are being truly brutal towards most of those who are sick.
Thank goodness Tucson was over several weeks ago; what a mess that might have been!! BOB
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Peter Lemkin
Joined: 18 Nov 2016
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Posted: Mar 15, 2020 10:04 Post subject: Re: Stay at home - Coronavirus / Covid-19 |
Ricky hartzog wrote: | Every year a new flu virus or bug causes deaths in the old and young it's sad it's life sorry for anyone that is sick hope yall get to feeling better im going morel hunting today so I'll be in the woods and hope no one gets sick and stay healthy and keep On Rockhounding |
While true, I hope you were not implying this is 'just like the flu every year' is NOT, as Bob H. has touched on. I'm trained in Epidemiology, Public Health, and Environmental Health and Toxicology and I can assure you this virus is NOT like the normal flu - other than also being a virus in that general class. No one on Earth as partial immunity to this one, as 99% of us do to the seasonal flu each year. Also, the seasonal flu kills about .01%. The numbers are not yet in for this one, but it looks to be from 10 to 20X more deadly!!....AND its transmissibility is much greater [by about 5 times or more]...add those two together and do the math [I have, but don't want to depress everyone and give the range here of deaths that can be expected]. My father spoke to me of the 1918 pandemic and this one will surely make that one look like a picnic - sorry to say. We have much greater connectivity and mobility of people and things [and this virus can stay lethal on surfaces for up to a week or more on the right surface under the right conditions]. The USA is less prepared for this than Europe, sadly...but maybe this will finally force a public universal government run single-payer medical system as in all other developed nations. It works better and is about half as expensive to society. Developing nations are by FAR the least able to handle this crisis!...and that is where a lot of our lovely minerals come from. I wish them well....but fear they will suffer high mortality %.
It is not going to be an easy ride. I'm an US Citizen, living here in the Czech Republic. EVERY Business except food stores, pharmacies, fuel stations, pet stores, electronic stores and a very few others are allowed to be open until the 25th - and that may be extended. Public transport is still running, but few want to use it and there are not many places to drive to. It is very strange atmosphere. One can not leave or enter the Czech Republic except under special circumstances and only at 11 crossing points.
Stay safe and do the right things to keep others safe too. Time to finally computerize one's mineral collection perhaps?!...... Mineral collecting or anything out in Nature is a safe place to be now! Interstingly, Ebola, SARS and Covid-19 [and other lesser known viruses] have their resevoir in bats!!! The disruption of bat habitat [and other exotic species] by encroachment of humans and the eating of bats [and other exotic species] would reduce the incidence of pandemics such as this.
It really shows just how interconnected we [humans] all are no matter where we live - and how we humans are interconnected to all other living things - and should wake up to that and respect those other species. It is believed this pandemic started at a single exotic animal butcher shop in Hunan, China and that a particularly infected [with Covid-19 which is not harmful to bats] bat in that market destined for 'bat soup' in Hunan started this entire episode which will kill many, many millions of persons by the end of this......
Mineral collecting can hurt your wallet or your ego, but will not kill.......
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Site Admin

Joined: 07 Apr 2009
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Posted: Mar 15, 2020 10:59 Post subject: Re: Stay at home - Coronavirus / Covid-19 |
Hi all,
It's such a horror what happens these days, I fear the worst case and I get more depressed every day thinking that the world we all know is going to end. Having two small children makes this horror even worse, I guess many here feel the same. We can only try to follow some rules like staying at home, don't visit older people, no shaking hands etc., let's hope that science will soon find a way to fight this virus.
Regards from Germany, a country that now finally reacts (schools are closed, soccer and other public events are cancelled) but I fear too late. Most countries, Germany as one of them, should have learned from China or South Korea who reacted immediately and not weeks too late.
So I hope you all are doing well, stay at home and stay healthy!
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R Saunders
Joined: 28 Jul 2018
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Posted: Mar 15, 2020 11:25 Post subject: Re: Stay at home - Coronavirus / Covid-19 |
South West Michigan by the big lake. So far schools closed and many churches, a Gem and Mineral show in Iowa and in Jackson, Mich. this month canceled as well as a wood carvers show. I can still go to a couple of beaches and collect that were not whipped out by erosion. A close to my house I am getting back to my fossil dig site, with many rocks. Mostly sand from digging a farm pond to 12 feet deep.
Do you think their is a chance that the Jet Stream and or Con Trails from planes can be spreading this or possibly in the near future? Or migrating birds although I have not heard of them possibly eating infected species? Or mainly by coughing or spittle from talking getting on surfaces? Both 74 and retired but I do get to some meetings.
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Michael Shaw
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Posted: Mar 15, 2020 11:42 Post subject: Re: Stay at home - Coronavirus / Covid-19 |
As of today, our state has 4 confirmed cases of Covid-19, all in persons returning from travel to Europe. Numerous preventive measures have been adopted to prevent the spread of the virus. Most public gathering places have been closed, so our scheduled trip with the grandchildren to a public garden/park in Tulsa is postponed until this crisis passes. Most universities in the state, including Oklahoma State University in the city where we reside, have extended Spring Break an extra week, and will resume classes online when students return. Laura and I would normally have attended church this morning, but decided to play it safe and stay home. So far, grocery shelves have been well-stocked, with the exception of toilet tissue and paper towels. Those aisles are empty. I wonder why someone thinks they will need 4 packages (24 rolls) of TP.
I am thankful that the Tucson show was held in early February during the very early stages of the pandemic; aside from some people experiencing disrupted travel, most attendees seemed to be in remarkably good health this year.
We are planning to spend a lot more time in our garden, catching up on some reading, and taking long walks, since we live in the country. Exercise common sense, good hygiene, and keep safe everyone.
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Posted: Mar 15, 2020 12:10 Post subject: Re: Stay at home - Coronavirus / Covid-19 |
Hi Folks,
I casted my vote this morning as Gérard did in the small city where I live (3,000 people). Some people had masks. Washing hands was compulsory before entering the voting room.
At work our company checked who could work from home last week and was setting things up. I will go to work tomorrow morning but just don't know for how long. The French government has decided to pay the wages of people not able to attend work (taking care of their children or businesses locked down).
The French health secretary warned people to avoid Ibuprofen and anti-inflammatory drugs to deal with COVID 19 related symptoms (mostly temperature) after discovering that several young people ending up with severe respiratory syndromes had in common the use of such drugs.
In case of temperature, he advised using paracetamol instead, but warned people requiring anti-inflammatory drugs to cure chronic diseases, asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease to keep using then and ask medical guidance in case of need.
Take care of you all & let's keep in touch through the forum.
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