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Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines 2021 cancelled
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Jordi Fabre
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PostPosted: Apr 12, 2021 13:39    Post subject: Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines 2021 cancelled  

Sad news, this year's edition of the Ste. Marie Show has been canceled.

The organization believes that perhaps something can be done in the Fall but it is doubtful.

To learn more you can visit their Facebook and very soon in their website: Mineral & Gem Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines

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Jordi Fabre
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PostPosted: Apr 12, 2021 14:08    Post subject: Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines 2021 cancelled - The official statement  

The official statement. Can be translated using the Google translator located at the top left of evry page.

Mineral & Gem n’aura toujours pas lieu en juin 2021, un espoir d’événement minéralogique à l’automne !

Après plus d’un an d’arrêt des activités événementielles de la SPL EVA, des dizaines de scénarios alternatifs permettant d’espérer une édition au mois de juin, un soutien sans faille de nos exposants, visiteurs, élus et partenaires ainsi que de la communauté locale, le Conseil d’Administration de la Société Publique Locale Événementiel en Val d’Argent a pris la lourde décision de renoncer à l’édition 2021 de Mineral & Gem.


Toute l’équipe de Mineral & Gem travaille sans relâche depuis le mois d’octobre 2020 à l’organisation de l’événement au mois de juin en s’appuyant sur le référentiel sanitaire de la filière événementielle tout en étant attentif à l’évolution de la situation sanitaire. Au total, ce sont près d’une dizaine de scénarios qui ont été envisagés pour que cette manifestation puisse se tenir dans de bonnes conditions !

La principale problématique à laquelle notre organisation s’est heurtée repose sur l’interprétation des jauges, élément essentiel à notre cœur de métier : l'aménagement des stands et des espaces. En parallèle, face à une reprise de l’épidémie en Europe et en l’absence d’un calendrier national présentant des éléments concrets en vue de la sortie de cette crise, nous devons prendre nos responsabilités. Habituellement, le travail concernant Mineral & Gem commence dès le mois d’octobre et cette période devrait être celle où nous nous trouvons en pleine effervescence dans notre organisation. Aujourd'hui nous en sommes loin...


Pour préparer au mieux cette édition 2021 dans un contexte rempli de doutes, le maître-mot a été celui de la concertation, avec nos parties prenantes, nos élus et nos administrations et bien sûr nos bénévoles.

Au fil des échanges et de l’évolution de la situation sanitaire, nous étions relativement optimistes à l’idée d’accueillir 5 000 visiteurs par jour en juin prochain suite aux annonces du Ministère de la Culture pour les festivals. Après des échanges auprès des services de la Préfecture, la présence des points de restauration et buvettes a été remise en question et nous avons dû revoir notre jauge à 1 000 personnes par jour en incluant : visiteurs, exposants, staffs, bénévoles …

Après avoir proposé un protocole drastique, nous nous sommes proposés à devenir un événement test au niveau national, unique manifestation à se tenir en extérieur au mois de juin. Après avoir été contactés par le ministère et pris connaissance de l’ensemble des modalités, nous avons renoncé à nous porter candidat. En plus de notre événement, nous devions conduire une expérimentation scientifique aux procédures lourdes et dont le financement devait être entièrement assuré par l’organisateur.


Malgré les aides de l’État, la Société Publique Locale Événementiel en Val d’Argent accuse pour 2020 une perte de chiffre d'affaires de 100%.

Malgré nos multiples scénarios envisagés pour juin 2021, aucune solution économiquement viable ni pour notre structure, ni pour nos exposants et encore moins pour notre public n’est apparue.

Contrairement à ce que l’on pourrait croire, une baisse de la jauge d’accueil n'entraîne en aucun cas une baisse proportionnelle de nos dépenses fixes...

Même en fédérant l’ensemble des acteurs de l’événement autour de cette manifestation singulière, si l’équilibre financier est une nécessité, l'avenir de notre structure et la pérennité de nos événements sont primordiaux.


De votre côté comme du nôtre, nous retiendrons beaucoup d’envie de revivre cet événement qui rassemble experts, professionnels, grand public et collectionneurs à Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines : la capitale de la minéralogie.

Nous tenons à saluer le soutien des habitants, associations, bénévoles, des élus aussi bien locaux que régionaux, ainsi que des acteurs et syndicats de l’événementiel qui nous ont permis de croire en ce projet jusqu’ici. Merci.

C’est avec un profond regret que nous devons nous résoudre à ne pas vous retrouver en juin.


Impossible pour nous de dresser ce tableau sans frustrations envers tous nos exposants et visiteurs qui nous soutiennent depuis plus d’un an, et qui plaçaient de grands espoirs en cette bourse 2021.

Ainsi, afin de ne pas remettre en question tout le travail accompli jusqu’ici et de ne pas manquer une occasion de célébrer notre passion pour la minéralogie et la gemmologie, une proposition d’événement réduit à l’automne est à l’étude.

Cet embryon de projet passe d’abord par une consultation auprès de tous nos exposants et partenaires, que nous interrogerons dès cette semaine, afin d’étudier la viabilité de ce scénario.

Nous vous tiendrons informés du résultat de cette enquête prochainement.


Dès aujourd’hui, nous vous donnons rendez-vous en 2022, du 22 au 26 juin pour la 57ème édition.
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Peter Lemkin

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PostPosted: Apr 13, 2021 00:03    Post subject: Re: Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines 2021 cancelled  

Oui, Si, Yes, Sad news....would have liked to attend. And remember that this show is partly outdoors. Some months ago in a thread on life under Covid I stated that from my knowledge from formal study and degree in Epidemiology and Public Health that most shows would not be able to happen this year. I felt badly stating that and a few comments hinted that they thought I was being overly pessimistic. I'm suffering as much as everyone else with closed shows etc., but I know the science behing pandemics, viruses, and especially this nasty one. I have bad news. In most countries vaccination has been delayed for several reasons. Also, the virus has mutated into more dangerous and more easily transmitted varients. The current vaccines, generally, will help with the mutated strains, but much less than the 'old' original version on which they were built to target. Yes, the vaccine makers can and will build vaccines to handle the new mutated strains, but the virus is going to continue to mutate as it has 7 billion humans to infect and develop mutations in - so this could leave even partly or well-vaccinated countries succeptable. Developing countries have between 0-1% vaccination. And it will take a mininum of 2 years to vaccinate them. While nearly fully vaccinated countries [giving herd immunity] will be able to lessen many restrictions, I fear not all restrictions on group gatherings indoors will happen for another year or even two due to the mutations. It is a sad thing to say and I hope I'm wrong, but I do not think so. This pandemis is far from over and this virus is one of worst ever found [after Ebola and a few others]. That it has spread, or soon will spread, worldwide is the problem. It also kills about 1-2% of those infected and permanently damages in major ways the health of about ~5% of those that get the disease [maybe more, this is not yet known] with the original strain; the mutant varieties now growing as % of the cases everywhere are a huge worry. Those countries that have started to 'open up' fully [like the UK and some parts of the USA] will pay a very high price for this ill advised measure from a public health and epidemiological standpoint. Sorry for the grim and sad post. This virus is horrible!!! and is getting worse due to mutations..... I think limited outdoor shows, or sparcely attended indoor with masks and distancing requirement may soon be allowed, but truely normal life is still a year or two away in Europe and the USA...longer if people make mistakes and unscientific decisions. This virus is much more dangerous than most think....and getting much more dangerous. Sorry to say.
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Riccardo Modanesi

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PostPosted: Apr 13, 2021 03:49    Post subject: Re: Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines 2021 cancelled  

Hi to everybody!
OK, let's cheer up! I got my first inoculation (AstraZeneca) on last March 14 and now I'm waiting to be called for the second one, it should be within May or early June. And let's cheer up by seeing the Polish ones (Luban and Lwowek Slaski) are still scheduled. NObody knows whether they take place, but... let's hope!
Greetings from Italy by Riccardo.

Hi! I'm a collector of minerals since 1973 and a gemmologist. On Summer I always visit mines and quarries all over Europe looking for minerals! Ok, there is time to tell you much much more! Greetings from Italy by Riccardo.
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PostPosted: Apr 13, 2021 04:36    Post subject: Re: Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines 2021 cancelled  

Having bought my first facial masks on January 9, 2020 I was early on and waited to warn most of my family until January 23 as someone who is out in good time is questioned. People are sadly like sheep and follow main stream. A few of us are like cats and always try to look at all sides. If anything in media is not discussed, or shown in just one way to 95% it does not mean it is true, rather on the contrary that it really needs to be questioned more and studied in detail.

I was very critical to the Swedish chief virologist as he early on said no masks are needed for this virus and "the peak" will be reached this coming weekend.... a complete fabrication. That said, Sweden stayed open, only Universities started distance learning. I looked a few weeks back and the Swedish curve was very much following UK, only at a lower level of seriously infected ie in need of hospital treatment. The no off deceased in Sweden was also lower then i the UK which has been locked down pretty much.

Now, everything in the world is connected to so many various other variables and it is easy to make false connections . As example to shoe size and infection by covid. Most children, are not affected at all but several studies show that small children may develop serious mutli organ problems after many weeks after infection.

By now we all have many friends, who were infected, I only know one who became very seriously ill, beeing fitm young and diabetic. My mother in law being retired, diabetic, hypertonic, obese immediately was given antibiotics when she arrived to hospital with 73% Oxygene in her blod. She had planned to just stay home but we called an ambulance to get her straight to serious care. After 2 days she was feeling much better having double sided pneumonis, but antibiotics having seriously reduced no of bacteria (which produce toxines which in turn make you sick). She was given oxygene daily and walked around a few times a day in the corridor.

Now, the risk of being in hospital with covid is the obvious risk to get multiple more infections from pother patients who do not cope well with fighting the virus. This could reinfect you several times a day and make you really sick. It is always the total amount of virus (and or bacteria) which attacks your body/toxicates your body we have to be careful with.

We listen to excamples form our close ones but only large statistics if not ill chosen can give us a better view. Problem is obviously the frequenzy of tests, way of treatments, availability of antibiotics, hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and the use of them/prescritpion varies so much between countries. I am no medical professional at all and can not give advice in such matters, but it is well kown that D0vitami, C0vitamin, Zn at high enough levels always are needed for our immune system. So is fresh air, moving around/training, sunshine.

That said, it may not be a good idea to wear masks in too long periods and not outside in the forest or even not densily populated towns. Regular exchange and exposing the mask to sunshine help fight virus. Bacterial build up inside the mask could be an issue as well.

For sure this virus is real. Now, American Front Line Doctors strongly suggest nobody yunder 20 years need any vaccination whatsoever. Women under 50 should not be vaccinated with risk of sterilizqation. People over 70 should consider vaccination.

Now, that is completely different from what is pushed for! That everyone should consider themselves why is that so. For making money on vaccines, analyses etc? For control of people.Just as you choose your minerals, use your on mind to analyse what is happening. Reality may be far from medias and the heard mentality.

Next post will be minerals only :)
Stay healthy!
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Philippe Durand

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PostPosted: Apr 13, 2021 06:02    Post subject: Re: Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines 2021 cancelled  

stay safe, even if vaccine is going on in your area
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Bob Morgan

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PostPosted: Apr 13, 2021 08:00    Post subject: Re: Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines 2021 cancelled  

I was fortunate to be vaccinated early - first shot before Christmas.
But what's this about American front line doctors? Which ones? All I've seen on tv have been urging all to be vaccinated. Be careful when American doctors are being referred to. They can be as polarized politically as everybody else over here.
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